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Step UP!

November 24, 2022 at 9:00am - November 24, 2022 at 5:00pm
Victoria Area Office
2994 Douglas St Victoria, BC V8T 4N4 Canada
Taylor Rice ·

Whether you're a brand new BCGEU member or you've been a member for a while, this STEP UP! workshop will introduce you to our union and help you develop your skills and knowledge around your rights as a worker and the role the union plays in supporting workers, their families, and our communities. Through stories of courage and strength, you will gain the clarity and support you need along with some useful union tools and strategies to get started with the BCGEU. You will leave feeling more informed, confident and ready to connect with your co-workers. 

· A union-paid leave of absence is provided for this course.

· Travel, meals and accommodation, if required are also provided.

· Reasonable child and/or other dependent care expenses maybe reimbursed. 


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