Local 811 Meeting for Delegates to Convention
500 Quebec St Prince George, BC V2L Canada
COMPONENT: Community Health Services
LOCAL: 811
DATE: Monday, February 12, 2024
TIME: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
PLACE: Diane L. Wood Union Centre
Prince George Area Office of the BCGEU
500 Quebec Street, Prince George BC
# of Delegates to be elected – 1 Alternate delegates may also be elected - 2
The BCGEU's 52nd Triennial Constitutional Convention will be taking place from Wednesday, May 29 to June 1, 2024. BCGEU members will elect the President, Treasurer, and five Executive Vice Presidents and will determine the mandate of YOUR union over the next three years.
To attend Convention, you must be elected as a delegate of your Local. An alternate delegate will attend Convention in the event an elected delegate becomes unavailable.
ELECTION OF DELEGATES & ALTERNATES TO CONVENTION Please contact the office to obtain the nomination forms.
If you are interested in being a delegate to Convention, please complete the attached nomination form and return it to the Prince George Area Office no later than 5:00 p.m. February 12, 2024, at 5:00 pm. Nomination forms will also be accepted at the meeting. If there are more nominations received than positions available, an election will be conducted by an electronic vote. The election will start on the third business day after the local meeting.
Along with your nomination form, you may submit a biography (max. 350 words) plus one photo (optional), however they must be submitted at the same time. No late bios or photos will be accepted. Please note: only one nomination form is required per person and you may nominate yourself.
Registration to Vote for Delegates and to attend Local Meeting:
If you are interested in participating in the election of the delegates for your local, you must register below. By registering you will receive an electronic ballot should an election be required.
A non-work email address is required to ensure you receive your ballot (many employer email systems have firewalls which prevent electronic ballots from reaching your inbox).
Did you know that you did not have to attend Convention as a delegate in order to be part of the process? You can do so by submitting a resolution that may be put forward to Convention for consideration by delegates. Resolutions may ask that the Union take a position on an important issue, implement a new policy or change the Constitution or structure of the BCGEU.
If you are interested in submitting a resolution, please complete the attached form and return it to the Prince George Area Office or email to [email protected] no later than 5:00 p.m. February 12, 2024. Resolution forms will also be accepted at the meeting.
If you would like to attend the local meeting and cannot attend in person you must pre-register via the link above (under the Registration heading). You will receive the Zoom link three days prior to the Local Meeting and again the day of the meeting.
In solidarity
Barbara Walker, Local 811 A/Chair
Celina Taylor, Staff Representative
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