Local 603 Meeting
130 2920 Virtual Way Vancouver, BC V5M 4X3 Canada
The BCGEU 51st Triennial Constitutional Convention will be taking place from Wednesday, June 10 to Saturday, June 13, 2020 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Vancouver. Convention is where the BCGEU members decide who the next BCGEU President, Treasurer, and Executive Vice-Presidents will be and what the mandate of YOUR Union will be over the next three years.
Meeting Agenda
Election of 10 delegates and 3 alternates to attend the 2020 BCGEU Convention. Discuss and vote on resolutions to be referred to Component 6 for approval.
Call for nominations for Convention Delegates and Alternates
Local 603 has a delegate entitlement of 11 members. One position is held by the Local Chair by right, therefore we will be sending 10 delegates, and electing 3 alternates, in case a delegate is unable to attend, to Convention at this meeting. If you would like attend the BCGEU 2020 Convention, you must be nominated and be elected to attend. Interested members should complete the nomination form and either send it in or bring it to the meeting.
Please note, in order to attend Convention, the member must in good standing, have a signed membership application card and be able to attend the entire convention from June 10 to 13, 2020 inclusive.
NOTE: Members on short term or long term leave should verify that attendance to the convention will not jeopardise their benefits. Please reach out to the area office if you need assistance.
Forward your completed forms to the Lower Mainland Area Office by 4:00 pm on February 26, 2020:
Via fax at 604.215.1410; By mail: Suite #130 – 2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver, BC, V5M 0C4; Via email to [email protected]; Or in person at the Local 603 meeting held at the Lower Mainland Area Office
*NOTE: If you are faxing, mailing or emailing resolution or nomination forms, they must be received at the office by February 26, 2020 at 4:00 pm. Alternatively, you may bring them to the meeting in person.
Call for Resolutions
Resolutions are put forward by members for members in order for your Union leadership to carry out the work on behalf of the membership. Resolutions will be discussed and voted on at the meeting before being advanced to the Component 6 resolutions committee.
In solidarity
Darryl Flasch Jody Olsson
Local 603 Chair Staff Representative
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