Local 2003 General Meeting – Bargaining Proposals (Online)
2920 Virtual Way #130 Vancouver, BC V5M 4X3 Canada
Hello Local 2003 Members!
You are invited to the next Local 2003 General Meeting (online) on Tuesday September 3rd which will be focused on developing proposals for the next round of bargaining.
Your contract expires on March 31, 2025, so the next round of Public Service bargaining will start early next year. The BCGEU is beginning preparations for bargaining well in advance, including by developing bargaining proposals in Autumn 2024. This notice is your call to submit your bargaining resolutions. This meeting is your opportunity to have your say on bargaining priorities for your next contract for Environment, Technical and Operations (Component 20) members working in the Lower Mainland.
The meeting will begin with a presentation about writing bargaining proposals and an outline of the bargaining process. Please note that for resolutions to move forward, they must be voted on and passed at a local meeting by a majority of those in attendance.
What is (and is not) a bargaining resolution?
A bargaining resolution is a written submission for a proposed change to either the Main Public Service Agreement or the Component 20 Agreement in the next round of bargaining. This can be a change that adds something new or removes (or modifies) what is currently there. Bargaining resolutions are about the conditions of our employment (wages, vacation time, benefits, hours of work, etc.). Bargaining resolutions are not about changes to internal union policies or processes.
In drafting a bargaining resolution, you should be as specific as possible with the change you would like to see and provide a justification (or several) for why the change is necessary. A resolution should specify which article (or articles) it is modifying, adding, or deleting, what the current text is, and the exact language you would like to see added, changed, or removed.
The local meeting will include a presentation on the bargaining proposal process and how to write an effective resolution.
Bargaining Proposals Instructions
• All local 2003 members must use the attached mandatory form to develop their bargaining proposals. There is one form for Main Public Service Agreement proposals and another form for Component 20 bargaining proposals.
• Resolutions should be sent to [email protected] no later than 48 working hours in advance of the meeting, i.e. by no later than Thursday August 29th at 5pm.
• Resolutions can also be submitted at the meeting.
• For a resolution to move forward and be considered at the next step, they must be voted on and passed at the local meeting by a majority of the members in attendance. You should plan to speak in support of any resolutions you prepare at the meeting.
Local 2003 Bargaining Proposal Meeting Details
The full meeting agenda can be found below.
This will be an online meeting occurring via zoom, with zoom meeting details available below. The Zoom meeting will be opened shortly before 7pm.
1. Call to Order
2. First Nations Land Acknowledgement
3. Approval of the agenda
4. Approval of minutes of previous meeting
5. Local 2003 bargaining proposals
a. Presentation - How to write bargaining proposals
b. Summary and timelines of the bargaining proposal process
c. Development of bargaining proposals – using FA-792 Bargaining Proposal Form, attached
d. Voting on all bargaining proposals submitted
6. Reports
a. Convention & delegates
b. Component executive
c. Stewards
7. New business
a. Steward elections – September – October 2024
8. Good & Welfare
9. Next Local 2003 Meeting
10. Adjournment
Zoom meeting information
(Meeting link will be provided upon registration.)
We look forward to seeing you on September 3rd.
In solidarity,
Sebastian Kallos
Local 2003 Chairperson
Oliver Rohlfs
Staff Representative
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