Local 1701 General Membership Meeting
2994 Douglas St Victoria, BC V8T 4N4 Canada
Call for resolutions for the 51st BCGEU Constitutional Convention Election of Local 1701 delegates (2 but the Local Chair takes one delegate spot if able to attend convention) and also elect (2) alternates to Convention
The 51st BCGEU Constitutional Convention will be taking place from
Wednesday, June 10, 2020 to Saturday, June 13, 2020 in Vancouver.
If you would like to attend this meeting by conference call:
please dial 1-866-562-0090 then enter the conference id 36261
The BCGEU's Constitutional Convention is where the BCGEU President, Treasurer and four Executive Vice Presidents are elected. Resolutions are brought forward to be voted on by the convention delegates, and if passed, set the direction and focus of your union over the next three years.
Resolutions are drafted by members, for members, are approved through the Local and Component. Please take the time to review the Constitution and the previous Convention's resolutions - both available when you login to members.bcgeu.ca. The resolutions will be discussed and voted on at this meeting. This will be your last opportunity to pass resolutions to Convention. Attached is a copy of the resolution form, which should be used when submitting resolutions, the form can be brought to the meeting or sent to the BCGEU by 5:00 p.m. the day of the meeting by fax, e-mail or mail (see addresses below).
If you would like to be elected as a delegate to Convention, please fill out the attached nomination form and return it to the Victoria Area Office by 5:00 p.m. the date of the meeting or bring it to the meeting. Candidates have the right to submit one 8.5" x 11" information sheet by 5:00 p.m. the date of the meeting. The information sheet would detail why a nominee should be elected as a delegate; this sheet is optional and does not have to be completed. If there are more nominations than positions, the election will take place at the meeting. Members attending by phone will be able to cast their vote by either texting or emailing the Staff Representative during the meeting's voting period only.
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
To summarize, you may bring resolution forms, nomination forms, and information sheets to the meeting or send to the BCGEU area office by 5:00 pm March 9, 2020 to: fax (250-384-8060), mail (BCGEU 2994 Douglas St, Victoria, BC V8T 4N4) or email (area01.bcgeu.ca).
In solidarity
Dan Bombardir, Local 1201 Chairperson
Sheila Knight, Staff Representative
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