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Local 0710 Meeting - BCGEU 52nd Triennial Constitutional Convention – Nomination & Election of Delegates and Alternates for the 2024 BCGEU Constitutional Convention

February 07, 2024 at 5:30pm - February 07, 2024 at 7:30pm
BCGEU Fort St. John Office
10147 100 Ave Fort St. John, BC V1J 1Y7 Canada
Area 10 ·

The BCGEU 52nd Triennial Constitutional Convention will be taking place from Monday, May 27, 2024 to Saturday, June 1, 2024. The Constitutional Convention is where BCGEU members elect the President, Treasurer, and the four Executive Vice-Presidents and determine what the mandate of YOUR Union will be over the next three years.

To attend Convention, you must be elected as a delegate (or alternate) of your Local. Local 0710 is entitled to 4 delegates (with the Local Chair attending by right) and 2 alternates.

Nominations are now open for delegates (and alternates) to Convention. Nominations are open from: Monday, January 22, 2024, and will close at the meeting on: Wednesday, February 7, 2024.

If you would like to participate in the election of the delegates for your local, you must pre-register. By registering, you will be able to receive an electronic ballot if an election is required. A non-work email address is required to ensure you receive your ballot (many employer email systems have firewalls which will prevent an electronic ballot from reaching your Inbox).

If you would like to attend convention as a delegate or alternate, you must complete a nomination form and return it via email to [email protected]. Nominees must run within their own local only and cannot run in other locals. Nominations will close at the local meeting on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, which starts at 5:30 pm MST. Your nomination form must include any bio you would like added to the ballot in the event that there is an election (max. 350 words plus one photo). No late bios will be accepted.

If you would like to attend the Local Meeting on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, you must pre-register. Registration for the Local Meeting is required so that you receive the Zoom link for the meeting, which will be sent three business days prior to the meeting and again the day of the meeting.

In solidarity,

Tanya Boyd, Local 0710 Chair

Tennille Penner, Staff Representative

Will you come?