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Area 12 STEP UP: An Intro to the BCGEU for Newly Elected and Returning Stewards

February 27, 2018 at 9:00am - February 27, 2018 at 4:30pm
BCGEU Area Office
4710 Lazelle Ave 102 Terrace, BC V8G 1T2 Canada
Area 12 Support Staff ·





STEP UP, our new introductory, one-day course, will introduce you to the BCGEU, explore our common values, union culture, and our diverse community of members. Through stories of solidarity and courage, you will gain the strength and support you need to begin your journey as a new or returning steward. Along the way, you will learn about your fundamental union rights and useful union tools and strategies for getting started in your role. Newly elected and returning stewards will leave feeling more informed, confident and ready to support a member through a Step 1 grievance. This course is the first step on our new learning pathway for stewards.

If requested, your Union paid Leave of Absence for this course will be emailed to you soon. Please ensure you advise your Supervisor/Employer that you plan on attending Union training.




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