CANCELLED - Area 11 Activist Appreciation Banquet
444 George St Prince George, BC V2L Canada
Activist Appreciation Banquet
Prince George Area Office
To: Area 11 – BCGEU Stewards, Bargaining Committees, Local Executives and Occupational Health & Safety Union Appointed Representatives
In appreciation of your efforts and commitments on behalf of the BCGEU members,
the Area 11 Cross Component Committee is hosting an Appreciation Dinner.
The honour of your presence is requested. You and a guest are invited to attend!
Please join us for dinner and entertainment!
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Ramada Hotel (Cranbrook Ballroom)
444 George Street, Prince George
Cocktails at 6:00 pm
Dinner at 7:00 pm
Licensed bar will be open but is not included with dinner!
Cabs to and from the event can be expensed to the Union with receipts.
Expense Claim forms will be available at the event.
If you require accommodations, please contact the office by: Friday August 7, 2020 otherwise, we will not be able to guarantee accommodations for this event.
You can register online no later than Friday August 21, 2020
Complete the registration form below and return to the Prince George Area Office:
You may phone, fax, e-mail or drop off registration form at:
Diane L. Wood Union Centre
Prince George Area Office of the BCGEU
500 Quebec Street, Prince George BC V2L 0C6
Telephone: (250) 563-1116 or Toll Free: 1-800-667-8772
Facsimile: (250)-562-9012 or Toll Free: 1-800-946-0257
Email: [email protected]
Activist Appreciation Banquet
Activist Registration Form
Name: Local:
Home Ph: Cell:
Are you bringing a Guest? (Check One) Yes No
Hotel Accommodations needed? (Check One) Yes No
If yes for both, does your guest require an additional bed?
Do you need a Leave of Absence? (Check One) Yes No If so, how many hours?
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