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Area 11 - Local 0111/12/10/06 Meeting - Close of Nominations on the Local Executive

January 05, 2022 at 5:00pm - January 05, 2022 at 7:00pm
Prince George Area Office or the comfort of your home
500 Quebec St Prince George, BC V2L Canada
Area 11 ·


Date: December 7, 2021

To: All Local 0111/12/10/06 BCGEU Members

Re: Nomination for Vacant Positions for your Local Executive

 Nominations are now open for the following positions on the local executive:

· Chair

· 1st Vice Chair

· 2nd Vice Chair

· Recording Secretary

· Member-At-Large (2 Positions)

· Member-At-Large (Young Worker)

· Member-At-Large (SHERIFFS)

· Member-At-Large (PGYCC)

 The term is three years. Information on the responsibilities and activities of each office is available from your area office.

 The deadline to send in nominations is: 5:00 pm on Wednesday, January 5, 2022. Nominations close at the meeting!

 Any nominations received after the deadline will NOT be accepted. Nomination forms are attached, please copy as required. All forms must be filled out completely, including signature of nominee and nominator.

 Completed forms must be dropped off, mailed, faxed or emailed using the information below:

Diane L. Wood Union Centre

Prince George Area Office of the BCGEU

500 Quebec Street, Prince George BC V2L 0C6

Telephone: (250) 563-1116 or Toll Free: 1-800-667-8772

Facsimile: (250)-562-9012 or Toll Free: 1-800-946-0257


Email: [email protected]

 If there is an election for a position, candidates may submit one page of information (8-1/2 x 11, black and white) for distribution to members with ballots. This must be received at the area office within one business day of the close of nominations.

 Note: Where no nominations are received for an office, nominations will be considered to remain open.

(Attachment – BCGEU Nomination Form and Local Executive Roles & Responsibilities)

 The meeting is scheduled for January 5, 2022. You can attend the meeting in person at the Prince George Area Office or via zoom.

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Meeting ID: 824 9837 9186
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In Solidarity,

Alison Bacon, Staff Representative



Will you come?