sold out - Area 03 Cross Component BCGEU Family Holiday Skate - 11:30am - 1:00pm
701 8th Ave New Westminster, BC V3M 2R2 Canada
Area 03 Cross Component Committee is hosting the Annual BCGEU Family Holiday Skate for all Area 03 BCGEU members and their families in the Lower Mainland. Please come on out with your family and join us for skating.
This is a free event. Parents and family members are all welcome to skate. Maximum registration is 4 per family (you and 3 family members). When registering please let us know how many are skating in your party and how many children you will be bringing.
There is a limited supply of small size skates and helmets available; therefore, please bring your own (if possible). Bike, football, hockey, even ski helmets are acceptable! No child is allowed on the ice without a helmet with the exception of infants in strollers.
Please register for ONE session only. A $10 (per person) deposit is required to secure your registration:
The DEADLINE to register and pay your deposit is Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 5pm. Late registrations and/or drop-ins cannot be accommodated.
If you are interested in volunteering for the event or if you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected] or call 604-215-1499.
Late registrations and/or drop-ins cannot be accommodated.
The BCGEU Code of Conduct is in effect at all Cross Component events. Any participant engaging in unacceptable behaviour may be asked to leave and not invited to future events.
On behalf of your Cross Component Committee,
Jennifer Elkabbany
Cross Component Chairperson - Area 03
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